Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hi all, I just found the following "lecture" on youtube. Found it to be an interesting way for lectures to be carried out, although you should ignore the cameraman who just keeps trying to disrupt. The "lecturer" seems very passionate about the topic and maybe we can catch on to some of that passion?This video touches on the basics we covered in demand and supply (about the curves and their general shape) as well as a little bit on government intervention (in the form of Price Floor and Price Ceilings. Hope it makes economics a whole lot more fun for you guys.
Ok, somemore stuff I found on youtube just now. This time its a news report from Kron-4 News on the impacts on Rent Control (Price controls). In the report there are two interviews, one with a landlord and another with a tenant. Both give their insights on the impact of rent control on the community as well as the benefits / disadvantages which rent control bring about.
Hope it benefits you all.
(Link as I do not know how to upload the video onto the blog. Sorry guys)
Fly signed off at 8:57 PM