Saturday, March 29, 2008
heyy 6c, there's a econs test coming up on monday! remember to study for it!and nicole's birthday is on that day too, so remember to wish her happy birthday too!!
some random photo's from the high school crew
the greedy pig(or girl) who ate that many plates of rice is:
good luck to all for econs and QnA on tuesday!!
chuankhim signed off at 3:02 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
HEY YO :DSexy went for CIP at SUNLOVE HOME! on founders day (of course, excluding prize winners :D) Hardworking and studious people like us decided to go back ALL THE WAY to school (FROM BEDOK TO BUKIT TIMAH) just for physics tutorial. Anyway that's not the main point. On the bus, being bored (as usual, especially when the bus ride is freaking one hour long) we started to play a game! (Mainly Linus, Charles, Jianwei, Kennsiang, Lincoln* Wayne & I; the rest of them just plonked to sleep) :D Oh well, we started off with some lame story about a girl looking like Charmaine hanging out in geylang but obviously it couldn't get anywhere because I'm so decent :D
* = {edit} Poor Lincoln was being neglected by me cuz I forgot all about including his name. Quote Linus: "he's like the star of the show and u forgot to put his name in the list of people who played." LOL. {/edit}
Here's our ultra hilarious, and semi-making sense story, word for word (It's like 11 smses worth or sth)
[We started off with everyone saying ONE WORD each, but along the way we decided that THREE words were better, so the first few lines sounds really awkward]
Linus eats dogs that taste very very delicious pooish succulent juicy steaks. But the dogs secreted on Linus's face. Lincoln watched something that resembled a disgusting reflection in glass. He rocks Linus's chair, licks Linus's long smelly noodles like it appealed to gays who don't eat dogs. Charles walked by and stopped for some bubble tea and the famous Wayne S Wang which was packed with retarded morons. Among the crowd, there was Lincoln whose pet rock looked like himself. Ah, just joking. No no no, the pet rock looked much smarter than Lincoln ever was since forever. His pet rock is just imaginary. Hot girls dancing in step up 2 fell into the pool of secretion, to linus's pleasure. Wayne came along, punched Linus's hot, sizzling, yellowish, smoky and squishy hair. He did a war cry, resulting in linus's raging of hormones. He stripped off his smelly, silky, lacy, red bikini which he put on Sally, whose boyfriend is called Lincoln Cheng. What a joke Lincoln Cheng is! We are all laughing at him. In came Charmaine from the previous story about geylang. She hugged Charles and slapped him. They then got excited about it. She asked Charles, would you marry Sally? "Yes!" Charles screamed really excitedly in Lincoln's face which made Lincoln feel very grateful. Kennsiang objected cuz Sally was his great grandmother and Jianwei's lesbian's partner grandfather. Sally passed away, Charles became a lonely deprived widow. Chuan Khim appeared in artemis shirt, howled like a retarded dog's granddaughter. A poster fell from the ceiling and killed everybody.
:D Mr Wu is the coolest Physics teacher to have!
He plays 'gei wo tempo ready go' with us, teaches us how to shake the earth, tells us that we make a TINY dent in the earth each time we jump! :D Amusing.
Everyone should try STRAWBERRY CHOCOLATE from coro! It's highly recommended :D
& lastly, Shuhui really has a flair for interacting with the elderly! She was the only one who was happily chatting with them while the rest of us went like errrr.. -awkard silence-. Lincoln's fav line is: Auntie, jia ba buay? (In hokkien)
We had a fun time playing at the playground! :DDDD Whoever who has the picture please upload it yea!
P.S. Let's go Wayne S. Wang :D
Anonymous signed off at 9:28 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
this is alil late but it's alright! haha. JTS n huangcheng photos of sexy ppl like us!JTS and huangcheng.
sexy6c <3
Unknown signed off at 10:42 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Anonymous signed off at 3:04 AM